Principals Message

Principal Message
December is now upon us and we are now in the final stretches of Semester One with only six more weeks before the last days of classes. Our Students Union has planned a number of activities and spirit days through the month of December to get into the spirit of the season.
The Exam Schedule for Semester One is now public and available on our website and newsletter. Please do not schedule holidays during exams. Also, please note that Diploma Exams and Provincial Achievement Exams (PATs) are government exams that can not be moved. If you are a parent of a grade 12 student writing a Diploma Exam, the decision to grant an exemption from a Diploma Exam is made by Alberta Education and is a complicated process for extreme situations, with no guarantee of being granted. We will work with those parents and students who need to request an exemption to get the information into the hands of Alberta Education.
Preparation is the best way to help your child reduce any type of stress around exams. I encourage students to use their TA time to access teachers and focus on maximizing this time to their benefit and also to set goals around attendance. Consistent attendance is key in building student confidence in their learning - absences result in gaps in learning and stress. A focus on consistent attendance is a worthy goal for students over the remainder of the semester. As always, you can reach out to your child's teachers if you have any questions.
A reminder that the last day of classes for students prior to the break is Friday, December 20th with classes resuming on Monday, January 6th. We wish all families a restful and enjoyable break and encourage you to take some time to disconnect and reconnect with you children!
Take care,
Myranda Shepherd
Principal - Wm. E. Hay Stettler Secondary Campus and Stettler Outreach Campus