Re-entry Handbook

Re-entry Handbook

I hope this email finds everyone well and looking forward to the school year ahead! Staff have been extremely busy preparing their classrooms and plans to welcome students into the building next week.

Clearview Public Schools released their handbook yesterday and today I am sharing WEHSSC's Re-entry Handbook with you, to share information specific to our school. We hope that this information will answer most of your questions, but we realize that it may not. At the bottom of the Re-Entry Handbook is a Google Form that you are welcome to ask your questions on, or you can call or email myself, or any of the admin team.

We will be releasing videos to parents and students to welcome them back, show them the school, go through expectations and protocols and get a better sense of what school will look like. Stay tuned for those!

I know that there will be decisions that not everyone agrees with. I also recognize that there are things that we look forward to in a school year that can not happen the same this year. Our decisions will continually be re-evaluated as the school year progresses. Each decision was made with care and consideration for how we can learn together safely. While some decisions are site-based decisions that each individual school makes, those decisions are made within the regulations and guidelines of Alberta Education. Many have asked about the requirement to wear masks and the decision to enter full time learning; both of these are Alberta Education directives, not decisions made at the school level.

As much as anyone else, my hope is that students enjoy their experience, connect again with their peers and teachers and engage in meaningful learning.

You can view the handbook by clicking HERE

Please feel free to connect with us if you have any questions or concerns. Our staff will be meeting together tomorrow morning to prepare, but will be available after that point to return phone calls and emails.

All my best,

Mrs. Shepherd